Width: 14.7 cm (Effective Width 12.5 cm), Thickness: 2.1 cm, Length:
290 cm. Weight: 4.7 kg / btg
Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) From PT. Kayu Asri Indonesia with the
latest innovation with JAPAN TECNOLOGY technology which can be used for
interior and exterior rooms. WPC wooden ceiling has the resistance to various
kinds of extreme weather, because it is protected by anti-uv. This WPC Wood
Ceiling is also designed to maintain the aesthetics of natural wood grain, as
well as a wide selection of colors that can be combined to enhance interior and
exterior grille designs.
WPC Wood Ceiling Is Used As A Replacement For Wood, So Its Use Is More
Durable For More Than 25 Years Because Of Termite Anti, Fungus Anti, Anti Ultra
Violet, Weather Resistant, Anti Oxidant, Waterproof, Heat Resistant, Cost
Effective And Efficient Maintenance.
WPC Partition Wall Panel Advantages:
- WPC Ceiling Products Like Real Wood
- Termite-Proof WPC Ceiling Products
- WPC Ceiling Products Fire Resistant
- WPC Wood Ceiling Products Are Weather Resistant
- Fungal, waterproof, WPC ceiling products
- WPC Ceiling Products Save Cost and Time
- Easy Maintenance WPC Wood Ceiling Products
- WPC Wooden Ceiling Products with 5 Years Warranty
Contact us :
0811 1153 394
0811 8593 159
Jalan Mangga Ubi No 17, Kapuk, Cengkareng
West Jakarta 11720
Prices can change at any time without prior notification
Prices do not include postage and other costs that may arise in
connection with administration, delivery, or other work